Auto Insurance Tips and Learning Centre
Get the inside scoop on all your car insurance questions!
We don't just sell car insurance - we help you make smart choices and avoid pitfalls.
Most people are skeptical when it comes to auto insurance - and with good reason!
Complex policies, price discrepancies and unexpected premium increases have all contributed to this skepticism.
Our goal is to change this by giving you a better understanding of the ins-and-outs of auto insurance.
At Snowbird Advisor Insurance we want to pull back the curtain and demystify auto insurance for Canadian snowbird, boomers and seniors by providing clear, detailed answers to many of your most common (and some less common) questions in the form of tips, articles and other resources.
In the spirit of our parent company Snowbird Advisor, these resources will be informational, educational and transparent in nature.
Our hope is that the knowledge we provide will allow you to find the best policy at the best price to meet your needs, regardless of whether you purchase your insurance from us or somewhere else.